stanze,: Sunset over the great lake
stanze,: Sunset over the great lake
stanze,: Burning down the lake
stanze,: Don't feed the geese
stanze,: Don't feed the geese
stanze,: Sunset over the fields
stanze,: Mallard
stanze,: Good night, Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria
stanze,: Peahen
stanze,: Peahen
stanze,: Reed
stanze,: Leaf on ice
stanze,: Reed
stanze,: Tempel der Botanik
stanze,: Grey heron
stanze,: Nutria with toothpick
stanze,: The day I met a nutria
stanze,: The day I met a nutria
stanze,: The day I met a nutria
stanze,: The day I met a nutria
stanze,: Some trees looking out of the window
stanze,: Fieldfares
stanze,: Starling
stanze,: Crow
stanze,: Crow
stanze,: Avenue
stanze,: Zirkelbau des Schwetzinger Schlosses
stanze,: Zirkelbau des Schwetzinger Schlosses
stanze,: Jackdaws
stanze,: Great spotted woodpecker