stanze,: Snowdrops in the forest of Oftersheim
stanze,: Woodpecker in the forest of Oftersheim
stanze,: Bracket fungus in the forest of Oftersheim
stanze,: Laubmoos im Wald von Oftersheim
stanze,: Chickweed at the fields of Oftersheim
stanze,: Female red deer
stanze,: Frischlinge
stanze,: Frischling
stanze,: The trees have eyes
stanze,: They seem to love (and eat) mud
stanze,: Red deer
stanze,: The forest of Oftersheim
stanze,: Deer are sheep with long legs and fur instead of wool
stanze,: Cleaning the little one
stanze,: Where's mama?
stanze,: The forest of Oftersheim
stanze,: Jay
stanze,: Great spotted woodpeckers
stanze,: Staring back 2
stanze,: Common blue on hoary alison
stanze,: Ornate Shieldbug on hoary alison
stanze,: Staring back
stanze,: Tobacco field
stanze,: Grasshopper
stanze,: Nursery web spider
stanze,: Selfheal
stanze,: Leaf beetle have fun on yarrow
stanze,: Small white on self-heal
stanze,: Marbled white
stanze,: Marbled white on knapweed