stanze,: Climbing the colza mountain
stanze,: Silene dioica
stanze,: Forsythia with small fly
stanze,: Abschleppen
stanze,: Small spider living on bittercress
stanze,: Mayfly in colza
stanze,: Dead-nettle hat
stanze,: Aporia crataegi
stanze,: Panorpa communis on red hawthorn flowers
stanze,: Weibliche Skorpionsfliege
stanze,: Caddisflies on a dandelion
stanze,: Chrysanthia viridissima on a rusty fence post
stanze,: Malachius bipustulatus and caddisflies on a dandelion
stanze,: Cercopis vulnerata
stanze,: Pyrochroa serraticornis
stanze,: Weinbergschnecke
stanze,: Aglais urtica
stanze,: Aglais urtica
stanze,: caddisflies on hawthorn
stanze,: Bee on Aegopodium podagraria
stanze,: Biene auf ausgebranntem Aegopodium podagraria
stanze,: Blood-vein
stanze,: Pararge aegeria
stanze,: Coenagrion puella
stanze,: Chloroclystis v-ata larva
stanze,: Bush cricket larva
stanze,: Anthrenus verbasci on yellow garden flower
stanze,: female Coenagrion puella
stanze,: Kopfüber
stanze,: Yellow fly