stanze,: Sitting around with dirty paws
stanze,: Disa is laughing
stanze,: Disa's tongue
stanze,: Disa without the collar
stanze,: Disa runs
stanze,: Disa cleans the garden 1/3
stanze,: Disa cleans the garden 2/3
stanze,: Disa cleans the garden 3/3
stanze,: Dynamic Disa
stanze,: Bach is boring
stanze,: walking with Disa in the fields
stanze,: Hat was an der Nase
stanze,: Disa is bored
stanze,: Stöckchen
stanze,: Nobody will steal the water hose
stanze,: Disa
stanze,: Disa lies in the grass
stanze,: Disa guards the castle
stanze,: Disa in the park
stanze,: Happy dogs
stanze,: No photos!
stanze,: Hey you!
stanze,: What are you doing there anyway?
stanze,: Help! There's a dog!
stanze,: Disa in Bird's-foot Trefoil
stanze,: Disa lying in fallen lime blossoms
stanze,: Disa in profile
stanze,: Disa looks up to the cat in the tree
stanze,: Disa loves the cat on the roof
stanze,: Disa