stanze,: Schneeglöckchen
stanze,: Stuff
stanze,: First flower that is not a snowdrop
stanze,: Pflanzenzeug
stanze,: Narcissus
stanze,: Daisies
stanze,: Bug creeping on buttercup
stanze,: Red primrose
stanze,: Bumblebee on some kind of Euphorbia
stanze,: Primrose
stanze,: Primroses
stanze,: Hazel catkins
stanze,: Ivy
stanze,: Primula vulgaris
stanze,: Plum blossoms
stanze,: Plum blossoms
stanze,: Viola alba subsp. scotophylla
stanze,: This might be an unusual Easter photograph
stanze,: Wiesenschaum
stanze,: Lamium album looks fluffy
stanze,: Forsythia with small fly
stanze,: Machwerk
stanze,: Everybody likes colza
stanze,: Myosotis
stanze,: Glechoma hederacea
stanze,: Climbing the colza mountain
stanze,: Blossoms on old branches
stanze,: Veronica Hederifolia
stanze,: Wildes Stiefmütterchen
stanze,: Prunus laurocerasus