peltier patrick: sculpture
Bill Noir: 31/01/2016
Ines Seidel: empty lines.
all quiet please proceed: 4400 S. Wentworth
all quiet please proceed: ... all the greatest hits
Helle Jorgensen: Today's effort. Two holes, one woven, the other crocheted. #basketryart #bangalowinflorescence #randomweaving #crochet #sculpture
kimama: collage753
kimama: collage743
Ines Seidel: beginning of a poem
kimama: collage746
Leo & Pipo: Sticker / Paris
Leo & Pipo: Leo & Pipo, "First Magic Carpet Ride", by Tracy Jager
all quiet please proceed: walking down a street
maria wigley: Another commission completed
TerryJohnston: Color Code
kimama: collage669
pinling: L'experience de voyage
pinling: Hill in the Heavy Fog
kimama: collage664
kimama: collage665
kimama: collage677
Slocumb: IMG_2393
klondike kid: recycling
Modern Fiber Lab - Sonya Yong James: Different configuration for Red Cell No. 1