Carrie McGann: MMM Columns
=Mirjam=: Pompei
cathy sly: ready for the freezer
Andy Kennelly: diagonal
Andy Kennelly: the point
Through Bri`s Lens: Left over light
Andy Kennelly: Sonya and Mandy, Stranger #111
life stories photography: Christmas tree lot
Andy Kennelly: skyscraper
murray__: basura
ewitsoe: Crossing Guard
pixelmama: Steptoe Butte
Luffup*: The Torii
ewitsoe: Fenzied Pace 277 365 some connections.
photo_secessionist: Summertime (Self Portrait With Hat)
Sandra H-K: Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
Sandra H-K: "I see...the turning of a leaf dancing in an autumn sun, and brilliant shades of crimson glowing when a day is done." ~Mattie Elliott~
Michelle GD: November 2
lindsay.crandall: November Gratitude Challenge | November 1
Hillary Sloss: Postcard love from camp HQ ❤️ Let's #photocamp!! Thanks to our #campcounselor @stacileekennelly for the gorgeous photo! #fireflyinstitute #firefliessharetheirlight
pixelmama: morning fishermen
m i c h e l e j e n s e n [photography]: Sunrise through the arch