~Staci Lee~:
Cara's window
~Staci Lee~:
three's company
~Staci Lee~:
empty seats
~Staci Lee~:
Andrew J
~Staci Lee~:
one grainy sip
~Staci Lee~:
muffin top
~Staci Lee~:
~Staci Lee~:
on edge
~Staci Lee~:
boxed water is better
~Staci Lee~:
old fashioned
~Staci Lee~:
waiting for a friend
~Staci Lee~:
tequila with a beer back
~Staci Lee~:
empty seat
~Staci Lee~:
the regular order
~Staci Lee~:
two sips in
~Staci Lee~:
pub dishes
~Staci Lee~:
its all a blur
~Staci Lee~:
bar signs
~Staci Lee~:
lined up
~Staci Lee~:
knife and fork
~Staci Lee~:
pub chair
~Staci Lee~:
~Staci Lee~:
golden road
~Staci Lee~:
raise a glass
~Staci Lee~:
i is for infuser
~Staci Lee~:
~Staci Lee~:
sit a spell
~Staci Lee~: