~Staci Lee~: bump, set, spike
~Staci Lee~: on the boardwalk
~Staci Lee~: A is for Andy
~Staci Lee~: caliginous
~Staci Lee~: darling boy
~Staci Lee~: c is for coffee
~Staci Lee~: depth of field
~Staci Lee~: E is for exposed
~Staci Lee~: f is for fresh
~Staci Lee~: f is for floor
~Staci Lee~: h is for him
~Staci Lee~: l is for lavender
~Staci Lee~: g is for green
~Staci Lee~: k is for keys
~Staci Lee~: i is for infuser
~Staci Lee~: n is for Nina's things
~Staci Lee~: o is for open
~Staci Lee~: p is for puppet
~Staci Lee~: p is for my peanut head
~Staci Lee~: j is for jet plane
~Staci Lee~: q is for quenched
~Staci Lee~: s is for Sammy in sunflare
~Staci Lee~: t is for topless entertainment
~Staci Lee~: r is for rain
~Staci Lee~: u is for underexposed
~Staci Lee~: w is for waterdrops
~Staci Lee~: x is for xenomorphic
~Staci Lee~: y is for yellow