~Staci Lee~: jar of sand
~Staci Lee~: winter branch
~Staci Lee~: holding each other
~Staci Lee~: I don't want to be stinky poo poo girl, I want to be happy flower child. Drew Barrymore
~Staci Lee~: beautiful girl
~Staci Lee~: pb & j
~Staci Lee~: caliginous
~Staci Lee~: searching
~Staci Lee~: learning to drive
~Staci Lee~: not alone
~Staci Lee~: drunk butternut squash soup
~Staci Lee~: ratatouille, I think
~Staci Lee~: picked for you
~Staci Lee~: darling boy
~Staci Lee~: c is for coffee
~Staci Lee~: waiting
~Staci Lee~: set to bloom
~Staci Lee~: tearful bowls
~Staci Lee~: sit a spell
~Staci Lee~: beer, pizza and dear friends
~Staci Lee~: Cristin's Birthday Cake
~Staci Lee~: lubeorama
~Staci Lee~: how we learn
~Staci Lee~: finding the light
~Staci Lee~: Joy's Super Easy Chili
~Staci Lee~: hazelnut ganache
~Staci Lee~: breakfast on the run
~Staci Lee~: ring my bell
~Staci Lee~: peanut butter cookies