~Staci Lee~:
my man
~Staci Lee~:
~Staci Lee~:
winter crops
~Staci Lee~:
~Staci Lee~:
little things
~Staci Lee~:
I thought of that while riding my bicycle. ~ Albert Einstein on the theory of relativity
~Staci Lee~:
13 bean soup
~Staci Lee~:
There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love. ~Christopher Morley
~Staci Lee~:
we give each other hope
~Staci Lee~:
We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate. ~Thomas Jefferson
~Staci Lee~:
light of day
~Staci Lee~:
11 11 11
~Staci Lee~:
crunch berry
~Staci Lee~:
~Staci Lee~:
hanging on
~Staci Lee~:
~Staci Lee~:
for my friend
~Staci Lee~:
sammy joy
~Staci Lee~:
chalk dust
~Staci Lee~:
E ticket
~Staci Lee~:
knife and fork
~Staci Lee~:
small gifts of frivolousness
~Staci Lee~:
“Hope has two beautiful daughters – their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are.” - St. Augustine
~Staci Lee~:
~Staci Lee~: