yeeship: Losing focus 失焦。放空
George Eastman Museum: Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California
P.D.B.E: 快樂電車軌道 Happy On The Way
nodie26: 花蓮 知卡宣 狗狗日記
State Library of NSW: Huskies pulling sledge
sokiu666: p000013(001)
sarsmis: strawberry jam with basil and mint
Hans van Reenen: In the country
django.malone: Dale Parsons
羅斯哥哥 : 20060423:Black head! (P4232104p)
jmhoying: New Leader of the Pack
Surreal McCoy (Alvin Brown): Moraine Lake Sunset
ikw1945: Red-Sea-Banner-Fish
moonsenses: rode besjes
moonsenses: dieseldoosje
moonsenses: meron_01
Irish shorts: spring
Don6201: Please !!!