Felix Antoima: CTE Day Over Night
Felix Antoima: Mimetics Decay & Sorrow
Felix Antoima: Aesthetic Sorrow - Faux Asymmetry
Felix Antoima: Synesthesia - Fausses Couleurs
Felix Antoima: Mass Effect Venezuela (selective focus)
Felix Antoima: Calor Venezolano
Felix Antoima: Aesthetic Sorrow - Eolo's Ektachrome Wrath
Felix Antoima: Aeria Gloris
yarumcb: Como el Avestruz
Eric Lafforgue: Kid from kurdish village of Palangan, Iran
PaxaMik: Kaïra
Saint-Exupery: Bluerenze
Saint-Exupery: Rest and read
PaxaMik: L'Offrande
nanoenomar: nanoenomar en reposo
Eric Lafforgue: Man in a garage, Iran
PaxaMik: Dans le jardin vert
Saint-Exupery: Pintaré tu cielo REPOST
kellyndin: IMG_4022
kellyndin: IMG_3591
kellyndin: IMG_0716
kellyndin: IMG_0369
kellyndin: image
Biblioteca de Arte-Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Lucie de Sousa Cardoso (1890-1984)
mgparera: Alone among the crowd
Jem Salmon: Looking back...
torobala: light walker III