Kevin Povenz: High winds and waves predicted for Sunday......
Rudy Malmquist: Fall Foliage
Rudy Malmquist: The High Line Trail
John Rothwell: Crossing the Grand River
doigal: Homebuilt Arduino Film Processor
paulh192: concertina
Enokson: RETRO POSTER - Stories of the Sea
verichrome pan: Sandy Knoll
NightFox Photography: Grand Rapids Fireworks 20
RCalloway: Going Vertical
Bill Schwab: Black Rock - Black Sand
Jim Patterson Photography: Cloud Passing - Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, California
[DennisT]: DSC_5242-Edit-1
Kevin Povenz: JW Marriot - Grand Rapids MI
Rudy Malmquist: Consolation Prize
Kelly Walkotten: Eagle Landing
Nicholas Benson: Day 47 - Serenity✿: the doorkeeper
Photoshoparama - Dan: Vintage Bulletin Board