good canary: Genius!
good canary: Tits McGee
good canary: My life is basically perfect now.
good canary: Fuck yes! The last of its kind! Now to see how it looks.
good canary: Hello Everybody!
good canary: Nana & Pop
Beckie Jane Brown: Picture 426 The first official photo
Trey Ratcliff: Solar Flower - The Giant Robot of Buenos Aires + New Video!
adactio: Paranoid existentialist chalkboard
Jared Smith: Double Iridium Flare in Andromeda
dreamsjung: Louis Kahn's Salk Institute
dreamsjung: Louis Kahn's Salk Institute
brendaj: moore_2.jpg
glsims99: Iron Squeek! My hero!
Cafe Mundi: Smokin' Wind-up Doll
Sylpics: A busy bee landing on an iris
blossom lover: DSCN17391