Square 1 K: With Nanny in the Winter Wonderland.
Square 1 K: Waiting to wave to the train
Square 1 K: The travelling nativity
Square 1 K: About to ride the reindeer carousel
Square 1 K: Lou and a black sheep
Square 1 K: Nicky telling me the Christmas story (it seems the wise men brought Jesus a rattle)
Square 1 K: The newly cream wall
Square 1 K: Grumpy selfie
Square 1 K: She has a sheep!
Square 1 K: Jolly selfie
Square 1 K: Also pictured: slightly weary toddler
Square 1 K: Nicky cuddles the sheep
Square 1 K: Hairdo selfie
Square 1 K: I can just reach...
Square 1 K: Playing with water
Square 1 K: Nicholas in a silly mood
Square 1 K: Eating grapes
Square 1 K: November 2015
Square 1 K: Sunrise
Square 1 K: The tape-measure drawing
Square 1 K: Gruffalo cosysuit and tricorn hat
Square 1 K: Drawing of our house (stairs at front and back, hatch, windows, etc)
Square 1 K: New socks go really well with my trainers.
Square 1 K: Pirate pumpkin!
Square 1 K: Nicky and his pumpkin
Square 1 K: Nicky did not feel this hat was really necessary.
Square 1 K: Getting him to sit still was impossible!
Square 1 K: Ahoy!
Square 1 K: Ahoy! Very silly photo session on Hallowe'en evening.
Square 1 K: Parcel unwrapped