hunt.keith27: Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) - 2 clicks for ZOOM
george_gww: _24A8467 g7
anthonynixon17: Nuthatch!
johnlamphee: Bar- headed Goose ?
hunt.keith27: Little Owl in logs - (Athene noctua)
hunt.keith27: Snipe - (Gallinago gallinago)
hunt.keith27: Kingfisher (F) - (Alcedo atthis)
hunt.keith27: Goosander - (male) - (Mergus merganser)
george_gww: _24A7302 (g2
george_gww: _24A7002 (g1
Margaret S.S: ~ Atlantic Puffins ~
hunt.keith27: Great Spotted Woodpecker (M) - (Dendrocopos major) 2 clicks for zoom
anthonynixon17: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
hunt.keith27: "Are you sure that's safe to eat"? Cygnets - (Cygnus olor)
george_gww: _24A3169 g4
george_gww: _24A3147 g1
johnlamphee: Kingfisher F with catch
hunt.keith27: Buzzard - (Buteo buteo)
hunt.keith27: Cattle Egret (J) in flight - (Bubulcus ibis)
Margaret S.S: ~ Red Squirrel ~ Explored ~
hunt.keith27: Rock Pipit - (Anthus petrosus) 2 clicks for large
hunt.keith27: Coal Tit - (Periparus ater) 2 clicks for best view
Tim Walton Photography.: Young Fallow Deer.
anthonynixon17: Dunnock!
hunt.keith27: Kingfisher with autumn sun in the background - (F) - (Alcedo atthis)
anthonynixon17: Bolt out of the blue!
anthonynixon17: Great Spotted Woodpecker
hunt.keith27: Pheasant (F) - (Phasianus colchicus)
hunt.keith27: Nuthatch - (Sitta europaea)
Margaret S.S: ~ Red Squirrel ~ Explored ~