Steve Punter: Leaflet boy on bike
Steve Punter: Faces in the crowd 4
Steve Punter: Faces in the crowd 3
Steve Punter: Faces in the crowd 2
Steve Punter: Climate flag
Steve Punter: Faces in the crowd
Steve Punter: Felt pen life
Steve Punter: Where's Greenwich? Lewisham?
Steve Punter: A few words
Steve Punter: Turning. A stranger well met
Steve Punter: Notes - anything you say may be taken down
Steve Punter: Close to pedal off
Steve Punter: Next stop Greenwich via London Bridge and the Bank
Steve Punter: Where next? Blackheath
Steve Punter: No stupid it is Blackheath
Steve Punter: Listening to the speeches
Steve Punter: Through the flag 2
Steve Punter: Man through flag
Steve Punter: Leaflet boy
Steve Punter: There are few people who are not white on this ride
Steve Punter: It matters
Steve Punter: Canon fires
Steve Punter: Charge of a very light brigade
Steve Punter: The camera talks I say nothing
Steve Punter: Ms Ellen