Steve Punter: Wrong turn if you want to get on
Steve Punter: Toys on The Old Kent Road
Steve Punter: Torrow a baliff come to change the locks
Steve Punter: Oh the state
Steve Punter: Sitting waiting
Steve Punter: Doris' plants make to escape
Steve Punter: Mohammed's shop is closed
Steve Punter: Leaving The Schoolhouse
Steve Punter: It rains at Scrag End
Steve Punter: Bermondsey mask in black & white
Steve Punter: The honesty of children
Steve Punter: Portrait of an unknown artist
Steve Punter: Sunshine and storms over Guinness Square
Steve Punter: Heather update
Steve Punter: Another view from a SE1 flat
Steve Punter: Love Stompie
Steve Punter: Extra terrestrial
Steve Punter: Cranes in the sky no ships few bricks
Steve Punter: Skyline SE1
Steve Punter: As far as I go
Steve Punter: Carolyn of The Schoolhouse
Steve Punter: Charlie - it was meant to be a trim
Steve Punter: Once a seed
Steve Punter: Eid Mubarak
Steve Punter: Cage aux Folles
Steve Punter: I am a walrus
Steve Punter: It's Himalayan birch
Steve Punter: It's not silver birch
Steve Punter: A thought on local TV
Steve Punter: Death is always black with searing white & a little red throw in