Steve Punter: Home secretary resigns
Steve Punter: Northern Ireland Secretary
Steve Punter: The next PM?
Steve Punter: Hazel Blears
Steve Punter: A flipper
Steve Punter: Home Secretary
Steve Punter: Mrs Beckett
Steve Punter: Lord Mandelson
Steve Punter: Lone protester
Steve Punter: A Balls up
Steve Punter: Transport and Defence
Steve Punter: Hoon and Hutton
Steve Punter: Jacqui Smith MP
Steve Punter: Secretary of State for Scotland
Steve Punter: Kulture
Steve Punter: Casting a short shadow
Steve Punter: Blears bombshell
Steve Punter: Douglas Alexander MP
Steve Punter: Jim Murphy MP
Steve Punter: Wistful Harriet
Steve Punter: The Harman set
Steve Punter: another Benn in black and white
Steve Punter: Mr Darling arrives
Steve Punter: Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP
Steve Punter: Mr Benn again
Steve Punter: The Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP
Steve Punter: A woman with three children oh and a cabinet post
Steve Punter: All eyes on Mr Darling