Steve Punter: Almost home
Steve Punter: Looking for Major Phil
Steve Punter: Major Phil's mum
Steve Punter: She's behind you
Steve Punter: The walk is over pointing out friends
Steve Punter: The lads from DMRC Headley Court
Steve Punter: The lad with no legs didn't want to give me his name
Steve Punter: The Royal Military Police
Steve Punter: Mother and daughter
Steve Punter: Young military policeman
Steve Punter: The finishing tape
Steve Punter: Checking the line
Steve Punter: Action man
Steve Punter: Peeping through
Steve Punter: Red caps one to another
Steve Punter: Capt. Peter Norton GC and Major Phil Packer RMP
Steve Punter: Did someone call my name?
Steve Punter: Red caps relaxing
Steve Punter: Angela overcome
Steve Punter: Combats with creases