Steve Punter: Tamils sit down in democracy square
Steve Punter: Tamils talking to MPs in Parliament Square
Steve Punter: The streets are theirs
Steve Punter: From the top of a bus
Steve Punter: Arrow points the way
Steve Punter: In front of parliament
Steve Punter: Not caged for long
Steve Punter: It's ten o clock
Steve Punter: Hold on tight
Steve Punter: Two after ten
Steve Punter: This far and no further
Steve Punter: Reflecting on the Tamils
Steve Punter: No sign of the MPs
Steve Punter: Looking up looking down
Steve Punter: Behind barriers plastic and metal
Steve Punter: Cry freedom
Steve Punter: Prayer for peace
Steve Punter: If I was Tamil I might sit down too