Steve Punter:
This lady said it is very simple just stop the war
Steve Punter:
A sister from Westminster the abbey across the street
Steve Punter:
One of the young Tamil men refusing food
Steve Punter:
The lad wanted to know if I was across the issues
Steve Punter:
'tain can act
Steve Punter:
What it says on the sign
Steve Punter:
Brollys for peace
Steve Punter:
When I was young I believed in the UN
Steve Punter:
Tiger in black and white
Steve Punter:
Big flags and Ben
Steve Punter:
Tamil students
Steve Punter:
Man with balloon
Steve Punter:
Steve Punter:
Some say 100,000 marched some say 2
Steve Punter:
Tamil slogan
Steve Punter:
In family groups
Steve Punter:
And Tiger flags flew
Steve Punter:
Towards the tail of the march
Steve Punter:
A mother's thoughts and a sister's blessing
Steve Punter:
Banging the drum for the Tamils
Steve Punter:
Two prime ministers and two balloons
Steve Punter:
Some of it is shocking
Steve Punter:
And the kids came too
Steve Punter:
It's a plastic doll in this case
Steve Punter:
Grim in black and white
Steve Punter:
Always get the faces and then the souls follow
Steve Punter:
Balloon near Winston
Steve Punter:
A thin white line
Steve Punter:
Tigers silent in this country by law
Steve Punter:
And the children played