Jan Miranda: Sprout Up: Ali Asaria
Jan Miranda: Sprout Up: Erin Bury
Julia Buchner: DSC_0633
Dell's Official Flickr Page: Sarah Prevette on branding and marketing
RachaelDepp: erin bury at leweb
Tsar Kasim: SportsConnectTO 2010 #5
ineedsugar: DSC_0050 50
JackiJPY: IMG_8346
Steve Hall Photography: SuperPanel NYC 2010
ineedsugar: canlit10 (1)
ineedsugar: canlit35 (1)
MMT1972: IMG_9188
Sophie Bifield: Bretton MacLean, Erin Bury & Matt Rintoul
Lori Webb: Welcome to SproutUp London
Lori Webb: The lovely and busy Erin B.
danielpatricio: DSC_0057
Steve Hall Photography: Blogworld 09 Day Two
Steve Hall Photography: The Audience Conference Pre-Party
photojunkie: _MG_5934
TEDxTO: TEDxTO After Party
bunnyhero: IMG_0563