sprizee: Hastings Street.
sprizee: Coffee break.
sprizee: Double double.
sprizee: Japadog in Vancouver, BC.
sprizee: Tibadoh's Japadog w/kraut.
sprizee: Wrist bands for my peeps.
sprizee: Legendary Noodles on Denman.
sprizee: You must say VodkaCran.
sprizee: Great day for a run.
sprizee: Lined with Canadian flags.
sprizee: Misty crossing the finish.
sprizee: Rachel crossing the finish.
sprizee: IMMINENT! Panic now.
sprizee: Don't you love this shirt?
sprizee: Misty at Tim Horton's.
sprizee: Moda.
sprizee: Orpeheum.
sprizee: Matcha Fudge.
sprizee: Adriane's sweet potato fries.
sprizee: Pear Sake Martini.
sprizee: The Marathoners.
sprizee: Browsing the liquor store.
sprizee: SprizeeCam™ Kodak Brownie.
sprizee: The drink that finally gave me...
sprizee: Lipgloss martini.
sprizee: Yay for the Kodak Brownie!
sprizee: Packing.
sprizee: Table jutebox at the Templeton.
sprizee: Aqua rotary.
sprizee: Maple glazed.