sprizee: Felt great to get back to the gym. #workitout #goodmorning
sprizee: BFFs the pumpkin head edition.
sprizee: These two have known each other since they were just a few months old and also share the exact same birthday so years ago I started referring to them as the birthday twins. 👫❤️
sprizee: Pinwing.
sprizee: Happy fall, y'all. #sprizeecam
sprizee: After a long week in Vegas for work I'm extra grateful to be back home. #goodmorning
sprizee: Happy birthday dear Henry.
sprizee: The big four! 🎉
sprizee: Dr. Hannah Fry on the keynote stage at #data15 (So bummed I'll be missing Sir Ken Robinson later today because of a flight conflict.)
sprizee: From data to tada. #data15
sprizee: This meal with five friends, who I also happen to work with, was so delightful. (Thanks for sharing your Vegas food list with me ages ago @the_gastrognome 😘)
sprizee: NDT teaches us about fractals. #data15
sprizee: Neil Degrasse Tyson live tweeting from the #data15 keynote stage. Because he's all about that data.
sprizee: Look at all the folks that rallied for the morning keynote with Daniel Pink after last night's epic party. #data15
sprizee: Breakfast at the Data Playground. #data15
sprizee: Fritz and the Tantrums! #data15
sprizee: Elviz lives! #data15
sprizee: My future's so bright. (Thanks for the shades Josh.) #data15
sprizee: Fremont on Fremont! #data15
sprizee: 10,000 strong at the opening keynote. #data15
sprizee: Got ril excited about this. #data15 Left shark is the right shark for me.
sprizee: Get yo viz on. #data15
sprizee: Day one of #data15!
sprizee: I'm in love.
sprizee: That's a 3! I'm 3!
sprizee: Coyle break.
sprizee: Pick up a Seahawks library card on the very last day. Check!
sprizee: There are few people I would drive across a toll bridge to see. @sirius013 happens to be one of those people. Hello Microsoft. I don't miss you much. Really, at all. My last job seems like five lifetimes ago. But it's good to hold on tight to the people t
sprizee: Dirty sushi with Joe. #traditions
sprizee: Swim all the swimming.