mauriciorequiao: IMG_4612
fiftymm99: wolfspider
stboed: Hedriodiscus
hock how & siew peng: ArtScience Museum
Gaurav Dinesh: Come - Gimme A Hug!_GD_DSC_0433
Flávio AF Mendonça: Liquid mirror
khosey1: Species a Day, Day 111: Familiar bluet
look to see: portret vrouwtje weidebeekjuffer op iris
look to see: weidebeekjuffer voor ondergaande zon
look to see: keizerlibel
DrPhotoMoto: Solar Explorer
David Panevin: Flicker
liewwk - ... mushroom 1 ...
MacRo_b: Thick-headed Fly #2
arbil: The Arabian Emperor - (Anax Parthenope)
Ed...: Mosca del establo
Al Abbasi: Feeding Monster
Al Abbasi: Aphid ejecting honeydew secretions
Al Abbasi: Face to Face with an Aphid
Bastiaan Schuit: Harmonia quadripunctata
Bastiaan Schuit: Holding tight
fiftymm99: ladybirds
tomquah (busy period): Free falling
J.^2: Sway
nis.jensen: Backyards
fiftymm99: fire - not a sunset
graftedno1: The Lady in red.