Richard Nicoll: Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus)
Neil Phillips: bearded reedling-11
Benjamin Joseph Andrew: Puffin courtship
Izzy Standbridge: Meadow pipit
anthonynixon17: Whinchat.
Margaret the Novice: Plover Golden poses Durham 5.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Pipit meadow with nesting material Durham Moors .5.2014
Richard Nicoll: Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) female in flight
Philip Male photography: > No permit required <
Izzy Standbridge: Washing over the forest
hellotim80: Yellowhammer
hellotim80: For my next trick....ta dah!
Philip Male photography: Walk this way.......
paulwillis1973: Durham explored
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: Roar......Psyching up for the rut
Mel James Photography: Bearded Reedling( EXPLORED)
Chris McLoughlin: Buachaille Etive Mor in Glen Etive
Oliver C Wright: Even Elvis has to put up with Nagging!
Barry & Carole Bowden: Sandwich Tern (Barry's)
Richard Fox Pix: Synchronicity
Barry & Carole Bowden: Gannet (Carole's)
markoh2011: juvenile kingfisher.....18/09/13
Ben Locke.: Stop the cull
Oliver C Wright: Contrast in Lofoten