spelio: Vandals on the golf course.
spelio: 469 m
spelio: The 6th tee.
spelio: Looking up the sixth fairway.
spelio: Heading home.
spelio: On the seventh green in the evening.
spelio: One hit too hard.
spelio: Habitat tree.
spelio: Plenty of holes up there.
spelio: My habitat tree.
spelio: Who is the boss bird?
spelio: Perches for all.
spelio: Settle for the night
spelio: Solitary cockatoo watching from the top.
spelio: Birds abound above in a great old habitat tree.
spelio: The cockies settle down in the evening.
spelio: Birds abound above in a great old habitat tree.
spelio: The last bridge before home.
spelio: Bogans on the course
spelio: Todays collection of balls.
spelio: Test shots using the old Olympus again.
spelio: Test shots using the old Olympus again. #1
spelio: Looking down the #lovethiscreek
spelio: Random shots around Pike Place in Seattle
spelio: The dog way across the golf course that barks every time we come out the back door.
spelio: View across the golf course to the GEOCON Infinity Towers
spelio: Our favourite Creek in the #Livingthedreampaddock