spelio: I can Handle Any Crisis... I Have Children
spelio: Creamed rice for the son!
spelio: Happy Jack
spelio: Playing in the DEAD back lawn dirt
spelio: Ella faces off with Jack ! P3040167
spelio: Kids down the back
spelio: Kids play down the backyard
spelio: Lucy and Sam with SORRY!
spelio: Lucy and Jack with chook
spelio: #KombiSplity, aka #99626 crossing the "Long Plain" South into Cooleman, 1968
spelio: Morning Sun shines in the lounge room window
spelio: Gripping my Beer with smiling teeth.
spelio: Dad Cecil birthday candles
spelio: Belconnen Musicians at the Hall Showground hall
spelio: Belconnen Muscians practice at the High School... P7200020
spelio: The HJ Holden in the driveway P7200061
spelio: Canoe Murrumbidgee R. with rescue tubes, Larry
spelio: P7270022 Nana and Grandpa Mitton Scullin
spelio: Playing on "The Car" backyard P7270029
spelio: P7270041
spelio: P7270045
spelio: Happy Graham in the family room/kitchen
spelio: Graham cold in the snow 1975, with 3mths old Jillian cosy warm in bassinette
spelio: P7270057 Graham on phone
spelio: with the family in the Weston Creek train...
spelio: Jillian in the Scullin kitchen sink
spelio: Graham the Santa in bath
spelio: Jill in sink, in Scullin.. Jillian at the time! Summer
spelio: Jill in recorder Group at Scullin Primary School
spelio: Carol singing around the piano with local kids