spelio: Kendall in Kendal crop
spelio: IMG_1020 Jill and kids ride by. (clip from orig)
spelio: Kids ride by
spelio: Fun around the campfire up in the paddock
spelio: Along New Haven Lagoon, beside the fish n chips shop.
spelio: Me and our shadows
spelio: Green and shade on steps
spelio: Steps on the way
spelio: Leaf curling spiders
spelio: Wildflower walk
spelio: The hard way across
spelio: A bridge too far
spelio: A bench on a walk
spelio: Not far now
spelio: Walk with Lucy and Nanna
spelio: Auumn and green
spelio: That is a curly one!
spelio: Bark and a lean
spelio: purple closeup
spelio: The long walk
spelio: Kooloonbung Creek Nature Park
spelio: Kooloonbung Creek Nature Walk
spelio: Aged 78 years
spelio: Spook in a local cemetery
spelio: A walk by
spelio: Spook looks for a rabbit
spelio: in the shade
spelio: Sacred to Rebecca
spelio: at peace
spelio: Kids and Spook at grave