spelio: IMG_0521 wave up to crane
spelio: IMG_0522 We wave helmets at the camera!
spelio: 69 cyclists Waving at the camera...
spelio: Cyclists and pedestrians waving at the camera on the cherry picker.
spelio: Bill & Trish at bike demo for #69BikesACT
spelio: cars come in to Allara St in the city, for the photo shoot.
spelio: big and small cars arrive
spelio: getting directions with Kombi in background.
spelio: rows of vehicles queue up for the photo shoot.
spelio: Four rows of cars line up to the front.
spelio: cars lined up for cherry picker photo
spelio: rows of cars demonstrating how much space 1.5 occupants is taken up, who could otherwise fill a bus with 69 passengers.
spelio: IMG_0543 the high point
spelio: Photographer up above taking shots
spelio: we line up on bikes. clipped image
spelio: Stephen Hodge doing good works for Canberra and cycling...