spelio: first shot in our kitchen, once I realised we had a sunny day, I set up the binoculars in the kitchen, and projected onto a wall in the shade under a bench.
spelio: first shot in kitchen with the -G12
spelio: Clouds move across my image in the kitchen -55 Gamma
spelio: view of the transit on the kitchen wall with tree shadows in the way
spelio: first outside test shot, same as shot to left, unedited.
spelio: outside shot under the clothes line! -75 Gamma
spelio: 2nd shot outside
spelio: IMG_8754 -65 Gamma
spelio: setup outside under the clothes line -35 Gamma with tripods
spelio: Using a leaf to help the G12 focus on the fuzzy image!
spelio: just using the shade from the tripod
spelio: The amateur sets up the transit observatory
spelio: Welcome to Mt Stromlo for the transit of venus
spelio: Our first good clean sharp image
spelio: We thought Venus in a box was pretty good
spelio: Tophats and the Transit
spelio: Kids and Mums at a telescope
spelio: Others played near by
spelio: Looking through a homemade telescope
spelio: What does that thing do Mum?
spelio: Looking at the Transit in a box on Mt Stromlo
spelio: 2nd shot on Mt Stromlo
spelio: Watching Venus transit in the ANU Heliostat
spelio: 300,000 views from 12,000 images since 2005
spelio: part of display in the foyer on the way to the Scope Restaurant
spelio: The collecting mirror of the heliostat in the "Scope" cafe.
spelio: The beam of sunlight crosses the Mezzanine before descending into the heliostat
spelio: The beam passe across this room and thru the black hole
spelio: The room containing the heliostat
spelio: Some of the light is split off into a spectrum