speedcenter2001: Looking back down to Sapphire lake from the location of our water source
speedcenter2001: This snow field is much larger than usual
speedcenter2001: Wanda Lake looking to Muir Pass panorama
speedcenter2001: After a lot of snow we reach Wanda Lake which is surprisingly clear of ice and snow
speedcenter2001: Moving along the shore of Wanda LAke
speedcenter2001: There's some pollen in the water, though
speedcenter2001: Another frame of Wanda Lake and Muir Pass
speedcenter2001: It's frog central along the edge of the lake
speedcenter2001: Some ice and snow at the far end of Wanda Lake
speedcenter2001: Actually, there's quite a bit of ice left in the lake when you look at it from the other end
speedcenter2001: Snow chute on the Goddard Crest
speedcenter2001: Muir Hut ahead - it looks so close through a 300mm lens
speedcenter2001: The trail finding gets harder as we approach Lake McDermond
speedcenter2001: slushy snow needs to be crossed
speedcenter2001: Damien on one of the last stretches of recognizable trail
speedcenter2001: Claire finds a deep hole in this snow patch
speedcenter2001: And the final climb to the pass is all snow
speedcenter2001: A slippery slog. but we have the right footwear
speedcenter2001: The moon has not been photoshopped in
speedcenter2001: More moon snow vista
speedcenter2001: Did I mention there was a lot of snow?
speedcenter2001: Catching up to Damien
speedcenter2001: Almost on top of the pass
speedcenter2001: Looking back down to the lakes
speedcenter2001: Black Giant on the other side
speedcenter2001: Later that day
speedcenter2001: A little more to the left
speedcenter2001: and even later...
speedcenter2001: Different exposure
speedcenter2001: Another perfect day is fading