Spectral Codex: Zhushan Bamboo Industry (竹山竹業)
Spectral Codex: Zhushan Bamboo Industry (竹山竹業)
Spectral Codex: Nantou Theater (南投大戲院)
Spectral Codex: Caoxiedun Public Parkade (草鞋墩公有立體停車場)
Spectral Codex: Chinese Chewing Gum (水里檳榔攤)
Spectral Codex: Jiji Station (集集車站)
Spectral Codex: An Abandoned Road Vanishing into a Bend in the Zhoushui River
Spectral Codex: Coming Into Harbour at Ita Thao Village, Sun Moon Lake (日月潭伊達邵一號碼頭)
Spectral Codex: Wujie Reservoir (武界水庫)
Spectral Codex: Blindfolded Stone Lion in Puli
Spectral Codex: Central Cross-Island Highway Over Hehuanshan (合歡山)
Spectral Codex: Taiwan's Central Mountain Range (台灣的中央山脈)
Spectral Codex: The Geographic Center of Taiwan (台灣地理中心)
Spectral Codex: Shuili Snake Kiln (水里蛇窯)
Spectral Codex: Jiji Wuchang Temple (集集武昌宮)
Spectral Codex: Caotun Cide Temple (草屯慈德宮)
Spectral Codex: Wangyou Forest (忘憂森林)
Spectral Codex: Sunny Hills Nantou Store (微熱山丘南投三合院)
Spectral Codex: Lantian Academy (南投市藍田書院)
Spectral Codex: Lantian Academy Incinerator (藍田書院敬聖亭)
Spectral Codex: Shuili Railway Station (水里車站)
Spectral Codex: The Abandoned Qingyun Suspension Bridge (舊青雲吊橋)
Spectral Codex: Daguan Power Plant (大觀發電廠)
Spectral Codex: Japanese Colonial Era Shuili Police Substation (水里分駐所)
Spectral Codex: A Decommissioned M48A3 in Xinyi Township (信義鄉巴頓坦克)