Spectral Codex: Rinan Station (日南車站)
Spectral Codex: Yuanli Fangli Shuntian Temple (苑裡房裡順天宮)
Spectral Codex: Tongxiao Railway Granary Complex (通霄鐵道糧倉建築群)
Spectral Codex: Qiumao Garden (秋茂園)
Spectral Codex: Sanxia Theater (三峽戲院)
Spectral Codex: Shen'ao Fishing Port (深澳漁港)
Spectral Codex: Shen'ao Elephant Trunk Rock (深澳岬角象鼻岩)
Spectral Codex: Shen'ao Seabed Coal Mining Pit (深澳海底坑)
Spectral Codex: Former Shen'ao Railway Line (舊深澳線)
Spectral Codex: Jiaoxi Chenggong New Village (礁溪鄉成功新村)
Spectral Codex: Nanfang'ao Harbour at Sunset (南方澳港的日落)
Spectral Codex: Former Jiaoxi Mingde Training Camp (舊礁溪明德訓練班)
Spectral Codex: Former Jiaoxi Theater (舊礁溪戲院)
Spectral Codex: Jiaoxi Deyang Road Apartment Block (礁溪鄉德陽路22號)
Spectral Codex: Li-Sheng Hospital, Wujie Township (五結鄉利生醫院)
Spectral Codex: Giran Airbase Meteorological Station (宜蘭飛行場測候所)
Spectral Codex: Yilan Theater (宜蘭戲院)
Spectral Codex: Luodong Joint Forces Garment Factory Patriotic Mural (羅東聯勤被服廠的精神標語)
Spectral Codex: Ghost Gate at the Laodagong Temple in Keelung (基隆開基老大公廟的鬼們)
Spectral Codex: Nike Hercules Missile in Keelung Government Park (基隆役政公園的勝利女神力士型防空飛彈)
Spectral Codex: Sun Yat-sen Statue at Beichen Elementary School (雲林縣北港鎮北辰國民小學的孫中山雕像)
Spectral Codex: Workshop of the Gods (大美雕塑佛像店)
Spectral Codex: Judge Bao at Bali Anfu Temple (八里安福宮的包拯神像)
Spectral Codex: Former Xizhi Shinto Shrine Torii (原汐止神社鳥居)
Spectral Codex: Former Xizhi Shinto Shrine (原汐止神社)
Spectral Codex: Altar to the Builders of the Suhua Highway (開路先鋒爺廟)
Spectral Codex: Japanese Aluminum Company’s Port of Hualien Factory Shinto Shrine (日本鋁株式會社花蓮港工場構內社)
Spectral Codex: Daguan Power Plant (大觀發電廠)
Spectral Codex: Agongdian Reservoir (阿公店水庫)
Spectral Codex: Taitung Martyrs' Shrine (台東忠烈祠)