Spectral Codex: The Golden Empire Building (黃金帝國大樓)
Spectral Codex: Taifeng Night Market Potato Ball Vendor (員林夜市地瓜球)
Spectral Codex: Paper Lotus Flowers at a Changhua City Temple (彰化市廟的紙蓮花)
Spectral Codex: Xizhou Chenggong Hostel (溪州成功旅社)
Spectral Codex: Ershui Assembly Hall (二水公會堂)
Spectral Codex: Ershui F5-E Flying Tiger (二水的中華民國空軍F-5E)
Spectral Codex: Changhua Confucius Temple (彰化孔子廟)
Spectral Codex: Changhua Fan-Shaped Roundhouse (彰化扇形車庫)
Spectral Codex: Huang Sanyuan Residence (黃三元故居)
Spectral Codex: Changhua Shell Temple (彰化貝殼廟)
Spectral Codex: Sanqing Sanyuan Temple (三清三元宮)
Spectral Codex: Former Rokko Airdrome Fortification (原福興外埔機場防空砲台)
Spectral Codex: Changhua Bus Terminal (台汽客運彰化總站)
Spectral Codex: Changhua Bus Terminal (台汽客運彰化總站)
Spectral Codex: Changhua Bus Terminal (台汽客運彰化總站)
Spectral Codex: Xizhou Theater (溪州戲院)
Spectral Codex: Marshal Tiandu at Yuqu Temple (鹿港玉渠宮的田都元帥 )
Spectral Codex: Yuanlin Hengwen Temple (員林衡文宮)
Spectral Codex: Yingong Theater, Changhua City (彰化市銀宮戲院)
Spectral Codex: Changhua City's Wangzhangfa Trading Company (彰化市王長發商號)
Spectral Codex: The Great Buddha of Baguashan (八卦山大佛)
Spectral Codex: Changhua County Yuanlin Hospital (彰化縣立員林醫院)
Spectral Codex: Changhua County Yuanlin Hospital (彰化縣立員林醫院)
Spectral Codex: South Yuanlin Station (南員林站)
Spectral Codex: Fenyuan Hong Family Mansion (芬園洪氏洋樓)
Spectral Codex: Clothing Ready For Shoujing (收驚)