Sparky and Nelson: Vanessa Boer
Sparky and Nelson: Megan Cump
Sparky and Nelson: Stephanie Dalton
Sparky and Nelson: Sparky for Obama
Sparky and Nelson: Steed Taylor
Sparky and Nelson: Magalie Guerin
Sparky and Nelson: Joe Monroe
Sparky and Nelson: Glenn Wall
Sparky and Nelson: David Humphrey
Sparky and Nelson: Chris Clary
Sparky and Nelson: Catya Plate
Sparky and Nelson: Cat Celebrezze
Sparky and Nelson: Reyez Melendez
Sparky and Nelson: Michael Muller
Sparky and Nelson: Michael Werner
Sparky and Nelson: Vincent Cianni
Sparky and Nelson: Thomas Somerville
Sparky and Nelson: Teresa Fogard
Sparky and Nelson: Stephen Andrews
Sparky and Nelson: George Towne
Sparky and Nelson: Meredith Allen
Sparky and Nelson: Alexander Vasiljev
Sparky and Nelson: Max Greenberg
Sparky and Nelson: Mark Carter
Sparky and Nelson: Marc Lepson
Sparky and Nelson: Lucky LeRoy
Sparky and Nelson: Laura Sue Philips