sparklingbizzy: 29/365 ready to perform Eleanor is doing very well on her speech at the moment she produced a wonderful happy birthday message for her uncle. I'm so so proud :-)
sparklingbizzy: 38/365 junior parkrun Lucy had a good run, I volunteered, Eleanor challenged the tail walker to new levels of getting value should we say!
sparklingbizzy: 26/365 cake
sparklingbizzy: 24/365 swimming
sparklingbizzy: 21/365 SNOW
sparklingbizzy: IMG_20180114_211013
sparklingbizzy: 20/365 modern art incorporating artist by Lucy Thompson at the Manchester art gallery.
sparklingbizzy: 19/365 week 2 couch 25k completed
sparklingbizzy: 14/365 cake
sparklingbizzy: 12/365 knitting for once for me
sparklingbizzy: 11/365 it's been a fluffy socks kind of a day. I've had cold feet all day so fluffy socks were needed
sparklingbizzy: 10/365 and breathe It's been a terrible traffic day
sparklingbizzy: 9/365 week 1 couch to 5k complete I think she's quite pleased with herself :-)
sparklingbizzy: 8/365 difficult day so here's the view from my study window as I dumped my work bag to go and get the kids.
sparklingbizzy: 7/365 piano practice
sparklingbizzy: 6/365 new runners for s muddy park run
sparklingbizzy: 5/365 reluctant run Not feeling the run love so went for a steady couch to 5k run as it helps then got soaked!
sparklingbizzy: 4/365 feeling unmotivated so went looking
sparklingbizzy: 3/365 learning times tables the sprout way!
sparklingbizzy: 2/365 one girl and her ninjago dragon
sparklingbizzy: 1st January Lovely to see you
sparklingbizzy: The Roman Forum
sparklingbizzy: St Peters by night
sparklingbizzy: looking out to the Square from St Peters
sparklingbizzy: Colliseum
sparklingbizzy: Colliseum
sparklingbizzy: Trevi Fountain
sparklingbizzy: Colliseum by night
sparklingbizzy: At the Trevi Fountain
sparklingbizzy: Colliseum