Spamily: Behold the suit
Spamily: Dave graduated from high school in this suit.
Spamily: The trouble with him is that he really is as smart as he thinks he is.
Spamily: Do you want one with the Randy gut?
Spamily: So I guess it goes, then.
Spamily: Checking the pockets
Spamily: I bet I could do up that pants button if I set my mind to it
Spamily: Now, if I just suck in my gut a bit...
Spamily: If I suck in my gut a bit more...
Spamily: If I just reposition my liver...
Spamily: ...yep, I can still get into these pants.
Spamily: ...any second now.
Spamily: I am GOING to do this.
Spamily: Almost there
Spamily: Triumph