Kim Taylor Hull: Oh Nuts.
Kim Taylor Hull: Snow Moon
crazyknittinglady: Rhinebeck-EmilyLorelaiGroup
NASA HQ PHOTO: NASA Tweets With Robonaut-2 (201102240001HQ)
Black History Album: Packing the Heat | 1937
txflygirl: First magnolia bloom of the season
davide f.: Petra
thelindenschool: Birthday Celebration 8
André Kuipers: Bel in druppel. Nog even spelen met gewichtloosheid.
André Kuipers: Urenlang Dragon in de gaten houden tijdens de nadering is geen straf. Hier over Namibie.
jag9889: "Intrepid" Space Shuttle Enterprise flies past the George Washington Bridge, New York City
NASA HQ PHOTO: Shuttle Enterprise Ready For Flight (201204210002HQ)
Vermont Ferret: Christmas 1972
dabhid07: Colour and light.
dabhid07: Papa-daughter time.
André Kuipers: Golfpatroon in de Indische oceaan. Vraag me af of het aan of onder het wateroppervlak is en hoe hoog ze zijn.
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012
Fragile Oasis: Atlantis Roars To Space One Last Time
Flying Jenny: Projection
@apacheman: 100_1209
Paolo Dy: Little Princess at STS-133
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Full Disk Image of Earth
danmiami: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch STS131 Long Exposure
Alan R. Light: Nacreous Clouds over the NASA Radome -4-
NASA HQ PHOTO: NASA STS-133 Tweets (201102240009HQ)
Paolo Dy: NASATweetup STS-133 gang at the VAB
alexdarke: the certificate of marriage
NASA HQ PHOTO: STS-133 Lauch Tweetups at the Pad (201011020003HQ)