Space Ritual: The face of mischief
Space Ritual: A boy and his cat
Space Ritual: Winter
Space Ritual: St. Julian Saskatchewan
Space Ritual: Christopher Lake Saskatchewan
Space Ritual: Auld things
Space Ritual: Howdy Pardner...welcome to the star party
Space Ritual: Addy in Cypress Hills Saskatchewan
Space Ritual: Addy at the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party in Cypress Hills Dark Sky Preserve.
Space Ritual: Saskatchewan Summer Star Party in Cypress Hills
Space Ritual: Addy and Murray at the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party in Cypress Hills Dark Sky Preserve
Space Ritual: Addy at the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party in Cypress Hills Dark Sky Preserve.
Space Ritual: Addy at her first Star Party in Cypress Hills Dark Sky Preserve
Space Ritual: Addy at the Red River Cart at Saskatchewan Landing
Space Ritual: Addy and Murray ready to roll
Space Ritual: Murray is ready to race
Space Ritual: Addy at the Cypress Hills Observatory in Cypress Hills Dark Sky Preserve .
Space Ritual: DSC_8270
Space Ritual: Christopher Lake Saskatchewan
Space Ritual: Christopher Lake Saskatchewan
Space Ritual: Christopher Lake
Space Ritual: Christopher Lake
Space Ritual: A rainy day in July