magal (Manuel Galrinho): half self-portrait in a sunny day
udono: P1020812
transgress: free me.
mëlow: the widow
lisa scheer: strip mall
Nash72: Wine
transgress: walking alone.
namke: toy/pylon
ReyGuy: windmill #1
Cyclops Optic: IMG_4114.JPG
Cultkid: How many years have I hated you?
Patrick D. Valdez: Window Study
Strevo: Den Den Town ZZZZZ
paulwb: Eiffelturm von unten
paulwb: Potsdamer Platz, DB-Zentrale
shikihan: Go down by a chair lift
thescatteredimage: of a needle
DeniseSchwenck: self mirror
GBSinger: DisneyHallCervix
GBSinger: Disney-Hall-3