Kurayba: Neverending Flow
ASHLANDJET: Minkowski space
Jujabee: Pink Sunsets at the Lake
counteragent: Stargate
Bernardo Ricci Armani: Saigon by Night
Rick Whitacre: Lunar Eclipse April 2015
Rick Whitacre: Totality - April 4, 2015 Lunar Eclipse
Amanda Mabel: Arashiyama Bamboo Forest
Rick Whitacre: Alamere Milky Way
BautistaNY: Love Me
mel ell: #Sarkhan Vol #genderbend #cosplay, photo: Tony Au #Pax2014 #melell #mtgktk #mtgcosplay #magicthegathering #sorryforallthesocialmediaduplicates
:Ree: Red sky at night
greyloch: contemplative tiger
Kiara Rose: Stargazer.
Billy The Barber: baby-chameleons
SuperPope: Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku - Walk to Seven Eleven Pt. 1
Tanner Wendell Stewart: 11 of 365 Joey Tate
Sherri DuPree Bemis: Matchy-Matcherson
siredgar: Dragon*Con 2011
Sherri DuPree Bemis: Sorry! I'll try not to post too many leftover vacation photos but it was all so gorgeous!
:Ree: Cheddar Gorge
RogueForce: we take no prisoners
Sherri DuPree Bemis: So hungry I could eat my shirt.
Marc B.B.: Circle Jerk
inkista: I ♥ George
Sherri DuPree Bemis: Pearls in hand/Collapse
Sherri DuPree Bemis: Yeah, yeah the ol' Converse