southerndrawl01: #Macross munny.
southerndrawl01: This'll be a big bot once the legs are attached. Primed, now to spot fill and detail the head. Then repeat as necessary. #macross #munny
southerndrawl01: Everything about this custom has been challenging. The hardest @$/\!!!@$# part has been getting the proportions. It would have been a lot easier as a wholly original sculpt without attempting to fit it to the munny body. If there is any interest, i wi
southerndrawl01: Wip of an 8" dunny custom. I used sheet styrene, a ping pong ball, 2 thumbtacks, and 4 munny tails for the legs. Ill mold and cast the the legs and arms. I love matching sides!
southerndrawl01: The master, mold, and jacket for the flames I cast on the PAW. I used Dragonskin-brand silicone which is super soft (Shore 10) and elastic. VERY High tear-strength. I don't think any other silicone would have allowed me to extract such such a wavy shape.
southerndrawl01: The master, mold, and jacket for the flames I cast on the PAW. I used Dragonskin-brand silicone which is super soft (Shore 10) and elastic. VERY High tear-strength. I don't think any other silicone would have allowed me to extract such such a wavy shape.
southerndrawl01: Still have a bunch of work to clean this up but I'm paralyzed by the fact that i don't really know how to paint the fire bits. #needadvice
southerndrawl01: I think Ravage is pretty cute. #soundwave
southerndrawl01: Soundwave trio WIP. I didnt make a left arm on these guys cause i will mold and cast the right one and use that. I tried a bunch of different Lazerbeak designs but they all looked crap. Too bad. #reversiblearms
southerndrawl01: I've been using this stuff to fill in cracks. It's not as strong as i would like but saves me from having to mix up some 2 part epoxy clay. The decepticon logo was (easily) cut from a scrap of a cheap vinyl miniblind.
southerndrawl01: This is the conceptual mockup. Now i think it needs a tail to help balance the added weight from the fire mane and wrist. I'll also add fire antlers/horns to the dragon head. He looks a little bald right now. Ill put the decapitated rabbit head in the
southerndrawl01: Duntraedis-004
southerndrawl01: Duntraedis-003
southerndrawl01: Duntraedis-001
southerndrawl01: Duntraedis
southerndrawl01: Duntraedis-002
southerndrawl01: Mother and child #macross
southerndrawl01: Want to make my 1977 toho godzilla into a 1954. #godzilla
southerndrawl01: Just a couple bits to fix. I lost one of the antenna/ rear laser somewhere. I really like the look of dunny with swept back ears.
southerndrawl01: I really like the primer stage. It tells you if you have a good sculpt or not. I see lots of little areas to go fix now. I have to remind myself there's a dunny form in there sometimes.
southerndrawl01: GaikingMongrol-011
southerndrawl01: GaikingMongrol-010
southerndrawl01: GaikingMongrol-009
southerndrawl01: GaikingMongrol-008
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southerndrawl01: GaikingMongrol-004
southerndrawl01: GaikingMongrol-003
southerndrawl01: GaikingMongrol-002