SoStark: Keytar bear
SoStark: Grills for Independence
SoStark: Beers and brats with the other PCAs
SoStark: Because America
SoStark: World cup at work!
SoStark: Let's do this! #laurenadamwedding
SoStark: upload
SoStark: Brunch!
SoStark: Springtime in Cambridge
SoStark: upload
SoStark: The person in this photo is 30.
SoStark: 2007-2013 vertical tasting of Trader Joe's Vintage Alex. 09 was the best
SoStark: The cat is happy we're home
SoStark: Christmas cookie party aftermath
SoStark: upload
SoStark: Xmas NH style
SoStark: My Chipotle bag today had Lorem ipsum text on the side of it
SoStark: Xmas tree 2013
SoStark: Super proud to live in a country with a mac & cheese food chain
SoStark: Family portrait at Home Depot
SoStark: ATL » BOS
SoStark: Lights
SoStark: The best part of flying
SoStark: Carousel bar #tourism
SoStark: Classic old beer cans on the Harpoon tour
SoStark: All American Hot Dog
SoStark: Viper Weekend 2013 was a rousing success
SoStark: #dailycode
SoStark: A few blocks from our new place