Igor Diachuk: DSC09288.jpg
phenolog: Common Raven; Corvus corax
phenolog: Savannah Sparrow; Passerculus sandwichensis
tadnkat: 20150508_182518
A.G. Photographe: Louvre from Tuilerie
A.G. Photographe: Sainte Chapelle et la Conciergerie
Carlos Casa: Cardos
Carlos Casa: El mate nos conecta
Igor Diachuk: hipster vibe
Igor Diachuk: the Trophy
Igor Diachuk: Kiev-88CM
Igor Diachuk: DSC05135.jpg
A.G. Photographe: Golden Hour @ Paris
Igor Diachuk: tree.loner
A.G. Photographe: Head in the fog
A.G. Photographe: Above Sacré Coeur
barrycross: Two's Company. . . .
phenolog: Northern Flicker; Colaptes auratus
A.G. Photographe: Sunrise @ Lisboa
phenolog: Lesser Yellowlegs; Tringa flavipes
phenolog: Marsh Wren; Cistothorus palustris
phenolog: Belted Kingfisher; Ceryle alcyon
A.G. Photographe: Pont des Arts from Louvre @ Blue Hour II
A.G. Photographe: My territory II @ Sunset
Igor Diachuk: Hall of doom
Igor Diachuk: The moon upstairs