Dimitri SoyFeliz: Blue Lagoon | Panorama
ogy: afsluitdijk, netherlands june 2013
thisquietreverie: Dead Maid On Floor
mauricio.vieto: Fontana di Trevi
Erika Altosaar: full/empty
awfu: DSC_0534
awfu: DSC_0491
Erica _ Fischer: The Geotaggers' World Atlas #47: Santa Monica and western Los Angeles
awfu: cornell
n kw: 33590014
n kw: IMG_7461
szarlot: pink
box of birds: Vancouver
matt.hintsa: 158.365 | dishwasher.
n kw: IMG_0614
Anvi: Long Section Detail (Cafe/Study)
n kw: urban parasite
pointshoot&smile: To Get a Good Shot...
n kw: Venetian Street
PerfectShoot [Observateur urbain]: I´ve been tagged by Kala69
nakedgremlin: Death by kiting