non c´é sabato senza sole: Tiempo de decrecer
amanda mijangos: "Ballenas"
amanda mijangos: Papel para encuadernación Impresión en serigrafía color DORADO
the egg oh!: Pinktober for #inktober day 5
Caitriona Sweeney: Days decreasing, nights increasing.
Caitriona Sweeney: Warm Winter Wishes
amanda mijangos: Festival Entropía
LindsayJuneNohl: Couldn't have a coffee so I found comfort in the familiar instead. Gotta make those #patterns when you can fit em in.
catwaiidoll: Emily with her teddy bear :3
kevin_r_roche: Polar Vortex at My Window
AliCè: Alice Pasquini - Vitry sur Seine (FR)
rosiehardy: You Are Not Alone
(ben chen): The Midnight Forest
Malalegría: Mar adentro
Malalegría: ni barco
B R A N D: St. Vincent
Lord Jim: 002
(ben chen): Old Captain's Memories
Dibus de Ire.: alice and the cat
nogabito: el flequisho
jessica..: Goldfish
nosoykojiki: IMG_0615