Soozs: IMG_0731
Soozs: sunshine beach
Soozs: sunshine beach
Soozs: want the ball
Soozs: killer waves
Soozs: before sunrise
Soozs: up there
Soozs: shadows
Soozs: sunrise
Soozs: early morning light
Soozs: a dip
Soozs: from above
Soozs: joins
Soozs: new school
Soozs: outdoor shower
Soozs: leg detail
Soozs: a fine chair
Soozs: why would you look at the TV?
Soozs: swing
Soozs: raw hide
Soozs: chair there
Soozs: hammock up
Soozs: fans all round
Soozs: picture this
Soozs: cupboard handles
Soozs: a mighty breeze
Soozs: coffee table
Soozs: cushions
Soozs: old leather
Soozs: louvres